Friday, February 29, 2008

A Simple Smile, A Scream Inside

It's not what is on the outside, but what's on the inside

There's so much no one knows,

So much that no one sees,

About the way I feel inside, my thoughts and all my needs.

May be it's that they don't look,

Or the fact that I don't show,

Either way, there are things inside that no one seems to know.

I want to show the world.

I want everyone to see.

All the thoughts and the ideas that flow inside of me.

May be you haven't noticed,

Or may be you don't dare,

To find out who I am,

Show me that you care.

May be if you took the time, I'm the person that you could know.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Healed Heart

He's moved on with his life, and I'm starting to move on with mine.

I haven't been as fortunate or as lucky as my friends when it comes to dating and relationships.
Everyone else always seems to be able to 'get the guy'.
I never used to believe those magazines would say that as soon as you have confidence, guys would pick up on it and take interest.

I can still remember the first time we met and our first few words to each other.
It's not about losing the memories, but gaining the strength to let go.
It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through.

Someday it wouldn't hurt me to think of him.
Someday I wouldn't cry every time I looked at pictures of us.
Someday I would remember our time together with a smile.
Someday I would be over him.

A Simple Story

Beaches of white, oceans of blue,

The love of my life and it is true.

Nature and music entwine as one,

Homework and papers and books never done.

Friends misunderstand, that is what I can't stand.

Why don't they take me as I am?

Understand me, It's not very hard.

Emotions play a very big part.

Try to understand me is all I ask.